Conditions We Treat

Chiropractic Adjustment

This form of treatment typically consists of a series of spinal adjustments by utilizing a gentle hand delivered force into the affected vertebra. This is done to restore alignment and flexibility to that area. Chiropractic is so much more than simply a means of relieving pain.


One of the most common types of headaches are those caused by tension. These are related to stress, anxiety and even depression. About 90% of all headaches are classified as tension-related


Migraine headaches fall into a category of their own. That’s because they are believed to be a biological disease that affects nearly 30 million people in the US every year

Lower Back Pain

There are many different types of back pain – from a dull, persistent ache to sharp, sudden spikes of pain – that can make it hard to move or be comfortable while at rest. Back pain is often triggered by an incident such as lifting something to heavy or a fall and can then get worse over time.


Sciatica is a pain that runs from the lower back down the leg of one leg, often into the foot and toes. It is caused by an irritation of the sciatic nerve caused by a compression. In some instances, the pain can be very mild, while in others it can be severe and debilitating. 

Pinched nerves

Pain from a pinched nerve may begin abruptly or gradually. Usually, it is characterized by sharp, shooting pain that feels a lot like an electrical shock. Moving the leg, back or other part of the body affected by the pinch nerve will often intensive this pain.

Sports Injuries

Chiropractors are to athletes as cardiologists are to those who suffer from cardiovascular disease.  Chiropractic treatment offers a balanced, holistic approach, by using spinal adjustments and physical therapy techniques to help the patient’s muscles, tendons, and ligaments return to their normal function.